How It Works

moves away from conventional online dating tropes. Based on cognitive neuroscience, BRTR has integrated Relative Preference Theory (RPT) into new gen artificial intelligence (AI), or more specifically explainable AI (eAI).

Our matchmaking system

We use eAI to calibrate how you engage with the world, leaving a pattern of positive and negative preferences behind you. This pattern reflects BOTH what you find attractive and what you find aversive in life. BRTR then matches your patterns of positive and negative preferences with the patterns of others.

When we have similar patterns for engaging with the world, it is easier to communicate, pick activities of shared interest, and have fun. If we devote too much time to dealing with differences, the relationship becomes agonizing and spiteful, absent of love and respect.

Whether you are looking to understand yourself better, for a serious relationship, or for something casual, we promise BRTR will help you in one way or another!

What does this all mean?

You will…

  • Provide basic information. This sets up a relationship framework for BRTR’s RPT Engine.

  • Rate images. This quantifies your patterns of positive and negative preferences using the RPT Engine.

  • Complete your personal profile page. Add your personal touch!

Then, we will…

  • Use the RPT engine to balance your positive and negative preferences to place you in 1 of 5 categories (preservers, mediators, thinkers, seekers, adventurers).

  • Provide recommendations based on your relationship framework requests and how the RPT Engine maps you with others in a multidimensional preference space.

  • Provide you with your own preference patterns, enabling you to see how you swim through the emotional waters of this world.

Still curious? Check out BRTR’s dictionary for the definitions of the 15 patterns to make sure that you fully understand how YOU engage with the world.